Okay, maybe Hanoi is all ancient charm, but Saigon? That's where the energy crackles, the new mixes with the old, and there's always something exciting just around the corner. First-timer or seasoned expat, this city keeps surprising you.

Me, I've lived here forever, but still get that "whoa" feeling walking down a street I haven't been on in a while. New café, weird mural, a shop selling something I never knew existed...that's Saigon.

Yeah, it's chaotic, but that's part of the fun! Want history? Forget palaces, we've got French-era buildings like the Post Office or Notre Dame that'll make you gawk more than any emperor's throne room.


Shopaholic? Saigon's your paradise. Glitzy malls like Vincom, sure, but also markets where vintage treasures and knock-off Gucci bags mix it up.

But the best part? The FOOD. World-class restaurants, hole-in-the-wall noodle joints, you name it. And not just southern Vietnamese – chefs from all over set up shop here.

Pro-tip: Get a local foodie friend to show you the hidden gems. Tourist traps are real, but if you know where to go, a bowl of bún bò Huế will blow your mind, and cost less than a beer back home.

Heads up: It's HOT. Not gonna lie. Pack light, be prepared to sweat, and embrace those afternoon café breaks. Grab, our motorbike taxi app, is your lifesaver when walking feels impossible. Or hop on one of those touristy double-decker buses – cheesy, yes, but actually a great way to see the city.

Dusk is my favorite time. Rooftop bars, chill riverside spots... watching the sunset paint the skyline is magical. Then, Nguyen Hue walking street is the move. Snack on street food, soak up the chaos, maybe some locals practicing English will strike up a convo.


The best of Saigon isn't in guidebooks, it's in those unplanned moments. So yeah, come for the sights, but stay for that feeling you can't find anywhere else.

Let me know if you want me to spill my secrets on the best coffee spots, pho places, or where to get clothes tailored – hit me up in the comments!